Sunday, May 17, 2015

Williamsburg Rest Day

Today is a rest day in Williamsburg, Virginia, "The Colonial City". We are in a huge hotel right next to the Williamsburg visitor's center, and it is packed. I went down for the complimentary breakfast this morning and could not even find a place to sit. I think this is graduation weekend for the College of Willam and Mary (right down the street) and in addition there must be busloads of school field trips here. I was not in the mood for crowds so took my breakfast back to my room, then took a nap until about noon.

The possibility of good coffee got me out for a walk. I'm not much interested in colonial history to begin with, and I toured Williamsburg once, 40 years ago, so opted not to buy the ticket this time. You can still walk through most of the streets without a ticket, which look colonial-ish if you can ignore the crowds of tourists, the traffic noise, and the shuttle buses whizzing around the perimeters.  Anyway, I found my way through the 17th century, out the other side and back into the 21st, where there was a decent coffee shop (also very crowded) and a bookstore. I've been trying to read a John Irving book that I got out of the WomanTours trailer but just cannot get interested in it.

The skies were turning black on my walk back to the hotel, and not long after I got in the skies opened and we had a nice thunderstorm. The only restaurant close to the hotel is closed on Sundays so I have ordered pizza and will stay snuggled into my room with my three new books for the remainder of the evening.

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