Monday, May 11, 2015

Rest and a Heavenly Massage

I've had a very pleasant rest day here at Surf City, North Carolina.  This morning several of us took a cab the mile and half into town here (how decadent is that?) to find apparently the only place open for breakfast, it still being "pre-season" here. The group was kind enough to stop at the coffee place on the way and let me get my morning latte fix. After breakfast we sat and chatted until the stores opened at 10am and then wandered through looking at kitschy touristy beachy stuff. I did find a whistle, finally, at a boating store. And a new pair of shoes that I just couldn't pass up.

There was a spa next to the breakfast place so we went in thinking to book massages, only to find the receptionist on the phone booking for "Katy, Susan, Nancy"....all women from our group, and she had just booked the last available spot! However, she called in a backup therapist and I scored an appointment for 6pm. I missed dinner with the group, but it was well worth it, and last night's leftover pizza will do just fine.

It hasn't rained all day, and all my sopping wet stuff from yesterday has almost dried.  I had a nice long barefoot walk on the beach this afternoon in hazy sunshine. I actually did see some surfers in Surf City,  but did not count two girls for every boy (which has been my earworm for the day).

More T-storms predicted for tomorrow afternoon, and we have our longest mileage of the trip, 97 miles, of which I plan to ride only about half, thank you. Although it does look like another pretty good tailwind day, so who knows.

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