Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Batteries, batteries, batteries!

Why does it seem that every battery my dad needs has gone dead while I've been here????

Car battery: Dead, so we got a new battery. Charged up and 2 days later, dead again. Took to the shop, where they found a rodents nest and patched a bunch of bare wires. 2 days later, dead again. Took battery back to Sears, they tested it and said it was good. Now charging again so I can drive back to the shop and leave it. Lucky my dad has my car to drive meanwhile. Still, I hate to leave him with his car (much nicer than mine) undriveable, and he is stressed out about it.

Cart battery: The electric cart he uses to get around inside was losing it's charge by the end of the day. Took it in to get new batteries and they found issues with the charger, too. Should get it back this afternoon.

LifeAlert battery: The panic-button thing that I bought him a couple of years ago needs new batteries. Debating whether to pay $20 for 2 little batteries from the company, or get much cheaper ones with the same specs. Probably doesn't matter too much because he never wears it anyway.....

And then there's Big Red, still in the shop with seized-up brakes, so he can't get around outside at all, to take out the trash, check the propane level, etc.

I really should probably move back here for awhile. If I knew it would be just a year or so, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But I certainly don't want to sell my place on Whidbey, and I'd certainly want to spend at least part of the year there. And if I moved back here, I would need my own place; I don't think I'd be happy living fulltime with my dad. Sigh. Hard, hard decisions to be made.

I think I could spend, say, January-March in Michigan, April-May on Whidbey, June in Mich, July-Sept on Whidbey, Oct in Mich, Nove-Dec on Whidbey. That's only one more trip than I'm making now, and I would be here during the winter months when I worry the most about my dad. I wonder if I could find a furnished rental? Or maybe just fix up the basement as my own apartment? Comments on any of this would be sincerely appreciated!

While I was out at the cart battery place I tried out some of those ultra-comfortable chairs with the lift option which helps you get up out of them. Took a brochure home for dad, and I though he'd say no, but he gave me the OK to get one. Yay!

Heading home tomorrow!

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