Saturday, April 25, 2015


Today's mileage: 67
Cumulative elevation gain: 326 feet
Avg. speed: 14 mph!
Weather: 89 and hazy, with a tailwind
Attitude: Better and better!
Tonight's stop is Port Orange, Florida

Boy, what a nice tailwind today. I tried to dawdle but was still in by 1:30 pm, a good 90 minutes before the room was ready. For most of the day I rode in my big chain ring and nearly highest gear, easily tooling along at 15-16 mph.

Luckily, there was a Starbucks right across the street from our hotel where I happily spent an hour. The only problem with that is that even after the room was ready,  I was unable to sleep during my afternoon nap time.

The rides are getting more and more pleasant as my body adjusts and as we get out of south Florida condo land. About a third of the ride today was on pleasant back streets, once again along the Indian River. Lots of egrets, lots of wildflowers and butterflies. We got to see Cape Canaveral in the distance.

One of our SAG drivers has come down with some flu-like thing, and a couple of other riders are not feeling well. Trying to stay far, far away from them....

Pretty field of lupine-like flowers, but I don't think they were lupine.

Cape Canaveral in the distance

Pretty bushes of pink and yellow flowers

and red

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you have more tailwinds and no "bug". See you in Alexandria.