Monday, May 20, 2013


It is HOT here today.... thermometer on the car says 89, and it must be about 89% humidity. I went for a walk and then had to come back and take a nap. I don't think I would survive summers in Michigan anymore. Thunderstorms are on their way, which should cool it back down some.

Yesterday, in about the same temperatures, I spent
the afternoon kayaking. Which kept me cool, as I don't yet have a spray skirt and was sitting in an inch or so of water most of the time.

I then spent a very pleasant part of the evening down at the river, staring at reflections and listening to birdsong. Turn up the volume on the video!

I was hoping for fresh asparagus every day, but my dad says the deer have about killed off his 30-year-old asparagus patch. Still, I found 6 nice stalks last night, and another dozen or so this morning, some 8" tall or more, which I swear weren't there last night. Amazing how that stuff grows!

And here are some nice pictures of springtime in Michigan.

May Apples



White Heron aka Great Egret

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