Saturday, May 25, 2013

High Water and Perfect Biking Weather

Just back from a perfect 30 mile ride. Flat, 60F, sunshine, trails and roads with hardly any traffic. And a latte stop. It really doesn't get much better! I did much the same thing last night.

4 inches of rain in as many days, ending just a few days ago, has brought Midland their 3rd flood of the spring so far. Not that the town really floods, just the big golf course and park along the river, and a couple of low-lying roads. Still, the river is high enough that I am hesitant to put the kayak in. Normally there is only one place along my usual route that's more than 4 feet deep, with much of it less than 2 feet. You're much more likely to have to drag the boat through a shallow spot than get in trouble in deep water. I've never worn a life jacket on this river, but right now I think I would want to. And since the ones we have here probably haven't been used in 30 years, I'm a bit reluctant to depend on them.

I haven't taken many pictures as I'm finding myself much more drawn to sounds rather than sights here in the spring. The frog chorus at night is just amazing, as is the birdsong during the day. I will try to figure out how to post some recordings. First I guess I have to get some sort of sound recording app for the iPad....


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