Thursday, February 23, 2012

Socks, boots, and a sweater

Back to socks, boots, and a sweater, and it rained during the night: I'm almost home! Just having my morning coffee in Roseburg, OR, before starting one more long day's drive.

I about panicked yesterday in Medford, when my map app said the nearest Starbucks was a 7 hoour drive away. But the kindly gas station attendent (I'm in Oregon, where they still pump your gas for you) directed me to one just across the street in the mall. And this morning it's found me three in Roseburg, so who knows why it couldn't find them yesterday.

The drive through the Siskiyous was lovely, one area of rain and fog but no snow, and it's such a beautiful drive. So nice to be back among green, forested hills again.

I'm impressed that I've used less than half of my allotted 1GB of network traffic ($20 for up to 1GB in 30 days) on this trip, and I've used it nearly every day. Also bought an ipad car charger at Radio Shack that works.

Ok, Homeward!


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