Friday, August 14, 2009

The End of an Era

My boss called me this morning to let me know that yesterday, the official announcement was made: The manufacturing area that I've worked in for the past 20 years will be shut down within a year.

It's not that we all didn't see this coming. We've been working with 20-year-old equipment for some time, with no hope of getting approved to upgrade. More and more stuff has been outsourced to China, and more and more of our staff has been cut. But still. I feel as if I've just been told an old, dear relative has only a year to live.

I officially retired more than a year ago, but I've been back working 2 days per week for the past 9 months, and really enjoying it. I've been working to upgrade the vast "data empire" I've developed over the past 15 years, to a more robust platform. Suddenly it all seems so pointless.

It's not at all that I'm worried about losing the job. I know I will get along OK, if on a somewhat tighter budget. But to see my work "family" broken up, my work "home" dismantled, all the stuff that we all worked together to develop, all just thrown out. It seems so wrong.

On a lighter note: Yesterday I had a bacon and tomato sandwich, with my own homegrown tomatoes! Man, they are tasty!

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