Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Relaxing at Chippewa Pines

It's hot and humid, to me anyway, here at Chippewa Pines, although I must admit the thermometer says it's not even 80. I don't know that I could survive summmers (or winters) back here anymore.  I've been picking enough asparagus for dinner every day, watching birds, listening to frogs, watching Gunsmoke and Bonanza and Hee Haw and Lawrence Welk with my dad.

And trying not to stare too long in morbid fascination at Faux News: Benghazi, Obama is bad, Obamacare is bad, Medicaid costs too much, Obama is bad, Veterans admin is scandalous, Obama is bad, Hillary is evil, Obama is bad. Repeat ad infinitum. It would be funny if so many people didn't take everything they say as the gospel truth.

Have been out on the bike a few times. Kayaking planned for tomorrow or the next day.

Finally made it into the coffee shop to upload some pictures, so here are a few from the last day of my driving trip.
The Cut River Bridge, just a few miles west of the Mackinaw Bridge in Michigan's UP.

Trout Lilies

Lake Michigan from the Cut River Bridge. Ice free!

That brown swath heading leftward is the tannins from the Cut River hitting the blue blue lake.

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