Sunday, March 21, 2010

There's no place like home

It's taken me most of this week to recover from our 16 hours on the road in a push to get home. We drove almost 700 miles on our last day, further slowed down by the hour and a half we were lured into spending at the Sierra Trading Post Outlet in Idaho. Then I had to spend the night at Nancy's, unload the trailer and return it the next morning, and then go into work for a couple of hours, so I did not actually get home until mid afternoon on Tuesday, at which point I just crawled into bed with Sabrina and slept for about a day and a half.

It seems so wrong that we had to drive clear back to Seattle to find spring again, but there you have it. Trees are flowering and leafing out, bird song is ramping up: the last few mornings I've awoken to a chorus of Robins, Varied Thrushes, and Towhees. Yesterday I lead a 30 mile ride here on the island, in bright sunshine. It's good to be home.

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