That coast highway, CA-1, is a marvel, and if I had all the time in the world I'd drive the length of it, but I'd limit myself to about 50-mile chunks. South of Fort Bragg there is quite a bit of open farmland, and high, high bluffs above the ocean. Hard to imagine more stunning scenery. Curves, hills, bluffs, and the occasional logging truck: You really can't let your attention waver for a millisecond. I kept thinking about those lovebirds in Tippy Hedren's car in "The Birds". In fact, if I had gone on a few more miles I would've come to Bodega Bay, where those nasty birds pecked poor Susan Pleshette to death. I was tempted, but after another hundred miles of those hair-raising hairpins (which took a good three hours) I regretfully decided to abandon the coast and head inland.
Well, lots more hairpin curves heading inland, and thank god for my phone's map app or I never would've found my way back to civilization. By the time I found a freeway, around Santa Rosa, it was nearing afternoon rush hour, and unfortunately by the time I got into the Bay area I was right in the thick of it. Ugh. So many cars, so many people! I kept looking for a likely place to stop for the night, and finally said screw it, I'm getting off at the next exit. Which turned out to be Pleasanton. Those of you from the Seattle area, think Lynwood, on steroids. Only much wealthier. In fact, Wikipedia says Pleasanton is something like the 4th-wealthiest city in the US. It must be where all those highly paid Bay area techies live?
Since I treated myself to that nice hotel last night I thought I'd just do the Motel 6 thing tonight. Nope, they're full. Other hotels nearby were all $200+. Screw it, I'm not driving any more in that traffic! I'll live on beans and rice when I get home.
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