I've had a rare case of domesticity the last few days. Cleaned and reorganized my pantry, scrubbed the kitchen floor on my hands and knees, dusted and vacuumed.... the shortening days and fallish nip in the air have got me preparing for hibernation. I do believe I'm ready. I've had that "enough with the sun already!" thought several times recently.
Still, it's certainly nice to sit on the deck for my morning coffee. This morning I enjoyed listening to that late summer sound of nuthatches nyak-nyak-nyaking, just about the only birdsong left this time of year.
I have now moved my TV from the living room to the garage, in preparation for lugging it to the thrift store. Still planning to buy a small flatscreen to put in my sewing room downstairs, but I like NOT having one in the living room. In it's place I am finally able to display a lovely art glass vase that's been hidden away in my bedroom for years.
Paddling at sunset again tonight. Tiny ripples all over the water, making it look like a vast, undulating sea of corduroy. Saw lots of salmon (pinks, so I hear) jumping, and I do believe I may have seen a grebe meet it's demise: I was coasting slowly toward it when suddenly it squawked and went rather ungracefully underwater. It didn't look like a typical grebe dive, more like something had grabbed it from below. Hmmm....? Or maybe I just panicked it?
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